Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

#Nano Update


Ok wonderful readers, this is nano update number 0000001. LOL. Nano started and we now have one weekend down and several more to go. At first I was concerned that I’d have to start on a Saturday. I thought I’d be distracted with kids and errands. Nope, apparently in my masochist state I decided to go to the market early, feed the kids, get chores done started cleaning and THEN pulled out the laptop, sat at the kitchen island with a glass of wine and snacks around 1-2pm and worked straight through the evening. Unbelievable. I wrote for 7 hours. Not only that I got 6k accomplished.


Not sure how good it is but I amazed myself as I plowed through the word count. In fact, I didn’t know how much I’d completed until I went to save the doc and checked. Blew my mind away. What caused this efficient outpouring? The only thing I think is that the night before I came up with an idea and jotted down a few bullets of scenes I wanted to occur. When I started on Saturday I just kinda followed what I planned from the night. When I went back to check my notes I did realize that I’d changed a characters name. LOL. Guess I was a true pantser.


Sunday was football Sunday so I was a little concerned but time went back in my neck of the woods so I woke refreshed and with an “extra” hour to get up and start writing. The hubby made breakfast while I knocked out 2k in two hours. Not bad. I watched a few games and then logged back on that night with every intention of making another dent in my nano project. Today is day 3 and I hope I’m as proficient with knocking out the story because I’m close to the middle which is always a struggle for me in any of my writing.


For those that are participating how’s nano treating you? Don’t get discouraged if the ideas didn’t flow immediately. It’s a fun challenge and I’m sure I’ll be cursing soon enough.

6 thoughts on “#Nano Update”

  1. ToniToni

    keep that momentum going!

    November 3, 2014
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Thanks Toni. Kids got out is school early, lots of noise but I’m hopeful they’ll be time to write tonight after dinner

      November 3, 2014
  2. Susan GourleySusan Gourley

    Wow, you are amazing. Keep it going.

    November 3, 2014
  3. Dawne WebberDawne Webber

    Glad it’s going so well. Wish I had time to participate this year.

    November 3, 2014
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Thank you Dawn. It’s always good to have extra cheerleaders with you

      November 3, 2014

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