Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

No, nope, not done but Cover Reveal-Saran’s book


*sigh* I hate saying that. I closeted myself to work and focus but I’m not done Saran’s book yet. I’m in the final stretch and boy I hope long time readers and new all enjoy it. Its definitely added to my grey hair count. LOL. I also realized I hate being disconnected. I’ve popped on and off my author facebook page, I still manage to answer email and blog questions under the book section here but I miss doing my blogs and chatting. I will try to get back in the rhythm especially since I plan to do nano next month where writers challenge themselves to write a 50k story in 30 days. Honor Bound and Torkel’s Chosen came from my prior nano challenges so hopefully I get some good mojo going.

Anyway, Saran is coming and because it’s taken so long I decided to share the cover here for those who are patiently waiting. Warlord book 6 folks 🙂


A King’s Revenge audio will release next week and I’ll get those links up as soon as they come through.


10 thoughts on “No, nope, not done but Cover Reveal-Saran’s book”

  1. antonia robinsonantonia robinson

    I’m in love with the Cover!

    October 21, 2016
  2. ElizabethNElizabethN

    Love! You have to watch those quiet ones they can give you the most problems.

    October 21, 2016
  3. V SpearsV Spears

    Nice cover!

    October 21, 2016
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Thanks! I think it says a lot about the story and this Warlords journey to his HEA

      October 21, 2016
  4. jmariejmarie

    So excited to read Saran…Vaan was one of my all time favorites so I know we’ll love his little brother. When will it be released?

    October 22, 2016
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Thanks! Not sure when so I’m trying not to give a date and disappoint. I do hope you like his brother’s story. No one can beat the Overlord but it’s nice to see his men falling 🙂

      October 24, 2016
  5. Susan GourleySusan Gourley

    You do such a great job on your covers!

    October 24, 2016
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Susan that is all my cover artist. I just say yes or no to what she runs past me. Usually she hits it on the first try and this cover gives me the feels lol

      October 24, 2016

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