Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

#Nano week 1


So we have reached day 7 of #nanowrimo. I’m a bit behind but not too much so as of yesterday morning I was at 7565. I’m rolling along though I had a busy Friday and Saturday. Woke yesterday morning coughing, sniffling and sneezing but I’m hoping for 2k today. I’m off to a writers nano meet up tonight so that should help. Keep going everyone. Put something on paper.


2 thoughts on “#Nano week 1”

  1. mikecrowlmikecrowl

    Michelle, it was great writing with you at the NaNoWriMo thingy! If you’d like to meet up with other Carroll County writers, check out their Facebook page where the meetings will be posted. Remember, 2K Every Day!

    November 7, 2017
    • michellehowardwritesmichellehowardwrites

      Hey Mike, it was great sprinting with you and Victoria. Even sick you both helped me to hit 3k for the day ?

      November 7, 2017

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