Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Monthly Archives: January 2015

I have another release coming soon. YAY! February 1, 2015 to be exact is the date of my new sci-fi romance, Torkel’s Chosen. Torkel is the leader of the Jutak Warriors and finds the love of his life at last. Check out my delicious cover below. Here is the blurb: What would you do if Earth didn’t…

Today I’m spotlighting an awesome author who writes Contemporary/NA. About the author: M. Dauphin lives in southern Illinois with her husband and two crazy boys. She used to be a teacher to wonderful, brilliant four year olds, but since has moved on to the super busy role as a stay at home mom. In her…

Starting the new year off with the Weekend Writing Warriors 🙂 This week, I’m kicking off my 8 sentences from my upcoming romance Torkel’s Chosen. I wanted to put a spin on the romance trope where alien men go to Earth looking for women because their females were dead or dying. In this book, human women are leaving…

Happy Friday and welcome to 2015. Only three hundred sixty some odd days to go. LOL. This first weekend of the new year will find me stocking the house back with food and trying to put the kids back on schedule to return to school. And to leave you with a good start for your…
