Rylin’s Fire is on sale with Google Play and Kobo for $2.99. The sale is almost over. Listen to a sample on the websites and let me know. Google Play audio link Kobo audio link
A new year is upon us. 2022 wasn’t great for me. I think I finally had some emotional down time from everything that’s happened in the last few years. It was good to process all of those emotions but made it difficult to write or get all the stories I’m working on done. I think…
We are in the final count down of the year 2022. I can’t believe we are going to be 2023. The years are really a blur so there’s something to be said for getting older. I plan to work on releasing books in my Vassi Contact series. I’ve got two tentatively on my radar and…
We’re almost at the end of the two weeks of free books. Here is a recap of sci fi romances that filled lots of ereaders. It’s not too late to pick up Prophesy by Lea Kirk and a few other goodies.
As a part of the Christmas sci fi romance giveaway and for the first time ever, As Darkness Spreads is free. Woot! I know some readers were hesitant to pick up a book with a zombie side plot but now you can try it at no cost on all retailers. Take a peek below or…
Lots more books coming your way so I decided to add a lovely graphic for everyone to see what’s coming. Keep checking in next week for the rest of the books. Stuff your ereader 🙂 **Check dates to make sure you one click on the designated time the book will be available for free. These…
I promised book goodies everyday until Christmas and here is the next treat. Alien Holiday by Tracy Lauren is only available on Amazon and free for a limited time. Fill your kindle 🙂
It’s that time of year when many romance authors give back to their readers with discounts and freebies. The one I’m sharing is a 12 day to Christmas treat. As promised, here is the first of some holiday fun stuff to read. Click the link to get Xeno Sapiens by Rena Marks https://books2read.com/u/boylA1 Xeno Sapiens…
Writing, writing, every day but also doing some merry holiday things. I’ll have a newsletter coming out shortly with some of the fun stuff and giveaways I plan to do. Stay tuned and if you’re not subscribed, use the link on my page 🙂 This is a pic of a castle where elves and santa…
It’s nano month which is when individuals try to write a complete 50k novel in the 30 days of the month. I’ve done this for years and enjoy it. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. LOL. I always end up with a workable novel though. For my day 4 totals, I managed 7473 words.…