Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Posts Tagged: sci fi romance

It’s been a little over two weeks into nanowrimo2020. I’ve been up and down with my word count but I wasn’t worried since I’d planned a 40k novella anyway. It is now done!! LOL. 38k actually but once it goes to my beta reader and editor, I’m sure I’ll add a couple of thousand words…

Nikol releases today! Amazon Apple Kobo Sometimes doing the wrong thing is the only answer Nikol Wulven has spent his entire life as the son of the most hated criminal around. Heir to an illegal empire he had no desire to run, his life wasn’t his own. But in his world, there were no choices.…

Well, there is one week of #nano done and 3 weeks to go. Its been an interesting first week of November to say the least and I’ve fallen behind. It’s not too bad so I’ll work on picking up the pace this week. Current word count on it is 12,121. I’m still in the game…
