Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Wednesday Winners and Happy New Years


I’m not usually a fan of Christmas themed romance. I tell myself time and again not to get sucked in by the brightly lit trees or the smiling dude on the cover because I’m inevitably disappointed. This year I went on a limb and bought two holiday novellas by authors I know. I can honestly say I loved them. It has renewed my faith in this theme. LOL.

A Grim Holiday by M. K Eidem

A Grim Holiday 2

The author returns to the world of our favorite king in this sci-fi romance featuring Grim and his human wife from Earth. Along with their two daughters, Lisa shows Grim the true meaning of Christmas.


A Grantham Christmas by JA Hornbuckle

This novella offers readers five sweet stories about the familiar characters from Grantham. This holiday treat offers something for everyone. I admit to enjoying a glimpse in the life of couples I fell in love with as they adapt to each others views on Christmas.
