Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Author Spotlight: Ray Sostre


Displaying Promo Banner for Love Out Lust Part Four (2).jpgSummary:

It’s Valentine’s Day, and Daryl searches for a gift for Marisol. Although, they’re not officially together, his feeling has grown for Marisol, where they act more like a couple than just friends in a sexual relationship.

He bumps into he didn’t expect – Paige, Marisol’s friend who works at a department store and his ex-wife, Clarissa. Since his shopping adventure didn’t go so well, he decides to shop elsewhere to get her a gift.

When he returns home with a Valentine gift for a Valentine’s gift for Marisol, the two share the most passionate night ever together, leading their relationship to new heights like never before.

But for Daryl and Marisol, their happiness couldn’t be any more fulfilled. Marisol was relieved that her cousin, Alonzo, was coming home from his tour of duty in Afghanistan. They ate at a Spanish restaurant in their neighborhood, and there was the return of joy for Marisol, but Daryl would soon find himself in a jam again when her ex-boyfriend, Jose, shows up to start trouble.


Pick up Love Out Of Lust – Part Four On

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About Ray Sostre:

Ray Sostre was born in New York, raised throughout the east coast (New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) for much of his life, until he moved to Nevada in 2005. His passion to write erotica happened by accident in the summer of 2010, but since then he’s been writing stories (m/f contemporary, lesbian, and ménage). At that same year, he established a website, specifically for erotic authors — AfterDark Online, giving a voice for authors of erotica and erotic romance to be heard. He lives with his longtime girlfriend of nearly ten years, and is an avid listener of electronica, hip hop, and R&B.

Ray jokes, “I’m always looking for writing material.”


Follow Ray Sostre:

The AfterDark World with Ray Sostre // Facebook: Author Ray Sostre //  Twitter: @anarchy0029 // Google+: Ray Sostre

1 thought on “Author Spotlight: Ray Sostre”

  1. anarchy0029anarchy0029

    Thank you so much for featuring me here Michelle. It’s an honor to be on here. For anyone that is curious about the series, please take a look inside.

    June 16, 2014

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