Happy 2024, birthday, Valentine, Easter and preemptively Memorial day. LOL. I have been MIA. My apologies. There’s been a lot going on but good stuff. I made myself a promise on my birthday in 2023 to focus on myself, spend time with family and take a step back from work and all the stress it sometimes come with. BUT, I didn’t expect to ignore my site for the entire first quarter of 2024! Yikes.
I’ll send a newsletter soon for those who subscribe but quick and short my provider made some changes that require tech knowledge to make it work and not have my newsletter show as spam in your inbox. I admit to ducking my head in the sand and not wanting to deal. So, I’ll have to deal with that before I actually risk sending a newsletter and frightening everyone.
On the book front, I’m going to have to move At Night’s Fall back. I’ll have the new date up on all the vendors and retailers shortly. Unfortunately, circumstances have kept me from getting this out in time for the June release date. For those who’ve been eagerly waiting for the next installment, I sincerely apologize and hope the book meets all your expectations when it does come out. Ok, I think that’s enough for now. I’ll post more with tidbits, authorly stuff and try to get back in the groove. If anyone is still into following websites that is hahaha