Hoping everyone eats as much candy as they want today. LOL. I still have to grab a bag of candy in case we have treaters knock on the door. The last 2 yrs have been quiet for pandemic reasons but I think kids are going to be out tonight. Managed to spend a day at…
So if you know a little about me, you know I’m a huge Broncos football fan. BUT I live in Ravens country 😛 I do support the home team as long as they aren’t playing the Broncos. LOL. Recently I had the opportunity to go to Raven’s stadium, meet players and do football drills. The…
Happy Monday readers 🙂 I shared the cover for the new anthology I’m participating in last week. This week I get to feature the wonderful sci fi romance authors who are in it. First up, Tasha Black, author of Bond. Bond is book 1 in Tasha’s Stargazer Alien Mail Order Bride series. Alien hero and…
It’s Monday, Labor Day and back to school time in the US. How did September arrive so quickly? Feels like summer was snatched from my grip before I noticed 🙁 LOL. I’m hard at work on my current project with edits, fixes and fact checking details. (the not so fun part after the writing) On…
One of the things to come out of the pandemic is my binge watching tv and movies. I’m pretty sure I watched more shows over the last 2 1/2 year than I have in the last 10. I have to admit, I like the whole bingeing concept and no commercials from streaming 🙂 It’s so…
Summer came and went too fast. If it wasn’t soaring heat waves, it was torrential down pours. Now it’s over and fall is around the corner. I am sad. LOL. I love the summer. I love being outdoors and nothing about the cold seasons inspire with the exception of Christmas. Oh, and pumpkin spice! I…
As I get older I find myself needing to watch my weight a little more. Any and every thing I eat goes straight to the middle :/ I’m also trying to be more aware of my health too. I say that because every few months I get on a fitness kick and last week apparently…
I’m one of the ones prepping for back to school with my kid this year. We finished our shopping and I was pleased to see we mostly did clothes. We have a ton of pens, paper and stuff from the before times ™ LOL. One of the positive side benefits of pandemic from an academic…
I’m talking about Wicked Lover for my throwback this week. This book has an odd history. If you’ve been a long time reader/fan you know its background. Amazon BN Kobo Apple Books Google Play Print For new readers, I’ll give a quick highlight. WL started as a Kindle World book under awesome sci fi romance…
Finally! After 3 months of back and forth whatever the issue was got fixed on the back end and Stolen Moments is now avail in print to complete the collection for A World Beyond.Amazon PrintBN PrintI should add that unless there is a sale, I’ve found BN print prices to be cheaper.