Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

The Journey Continues


In the last few weeks, I have discovered that writing is like going back to school. Books to read, details to study and learning to apply everything you’ve covered. The only difference is that instead of one teacher in one classroom, I have hundreds of teachers aka published authors and my classroom is the vast internet with its array of self-help books. I’ve even attended an online four week writing class. I’m truly trying to focus and learn all the skills that will hopefully help me.

Taking myself out of my comfort zone, I have also entered…another writing contest. The prize for this one comes with tips, editing and advice from professional writers and judges. It will be interesting to hear the feedback on my work in progress. Since, I’m trying to pace myself with a full time career and my new foray into writing, I have decided that I will try and update this blog weekly. Friday sounds like a good day to share all of the excitement that may (or may not as the case may be) have occurred.

Well, that’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by.
