Apparently National Pet Day was this week and I missed it. I’ll give my dog some extra ear scratches and treats today to make up for it. For those who like to read about animals in books, I’m please to share a look at Wired For Love. This is a book I wrote for a pet anthology some years ago and got to release as a single title later.
The star of the show is of course Bogan my K9 cyborg dog . He’s based on the belgian malinois breed and such a great addition to the story. Here’s a scene of Bogan being irresistible after deliberately disobeying an order to not chase the story villain. LOL.
Available in print and ebook on all retailers.
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Whining joined the scratching. Hunter bolted for the door, ignoring Narelle’s smug grin as she tossed a rag on the table and braced her palms behind her to lean and wait.
He didn’t need to wait. The sync slid seamlessly in place as he crossed the room. From Bogan’s end. Hunter didn’t have time to wonder how or question the possibility and ripped the door open.
Bogan entered on a trot and danced around Hunter, head butting against his thighs. Hunter wanted to be stern, to discipline as appropriate. If Bogan continued to break protocol, he’d be difficult to control. Except how could he resist? Brown eyes glinted with happiness and his tail wagged at full force.
Giving in to his own relief, Hunter dropped to one knee and ruffled Bogan’s fur. Two barks near his ear followed ecstatic licking over his face. It was hard to remain untouched. Hunter ran through a series of checks and green lights blinked over his optic adjustment. Apparently Bogan had survived his unapproved jaunt with no injuries.
“Sitzen.” Bogan promptly sat. Hunter rolled his eyes and stood. “You don’t fool me. You listen when you want.”

Loved that book!
That’s great Teri! I keep saying I want to return to that world and I def want to do a story for Ezra. Just have to find the time.