Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

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So I’m cruising through the net in between getting caught up on email and stumble on this. The Forbidden Marriage (What Women Want!) by Rebecca Winters http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wbM5CnRRL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg Heres a bit of the blurb: When Michelle Howard finds herself agreeing to nurse Zak Sadler for the next month, she’s not sure what she’s let herself in…

And happy Friday 🙂 I’m tempted to wonder where summer went. LOL. Time certainly is blowing by or maybe the older I get the faster the clock seems to move and there’s never enough time in the day, the week or the season. I do want to report that Arak’s Love is now available in…

One week until the release of my new Warlord novella. Decided to share a bit just because 🙂 “Does Mikayla know you’re still doing this?” Her mouth curled in a wide grin and Vaan could see why Ramar found her appealing. He snorted at her question, knowing she referenced the meat he continued to slide…

Friday has become a talisman. It’s the shiny object I wave at myself throughout the week for motivation. I’m trying to get myself in gear after vacation. Nothing really worked and I dragged  this week. Sometimes you need a vacation to recover from the vacation 🙂 At the beach I realized that every day is…

More snippets and teasers from the upcoming anthology Love Without Boundaries. Today I’m sharing from M.K. Eidem’s novella Oryon. Enjoy! “That is where our home is,” he quietly told her, his lips grazing her ear as he spoke. Isis raised her hand, slowly covering his fingers with hers, as she too touched their home. “There?”…

If you’re looking to do Nanowrimo this November check out Kristen Lamb’s blog on How to Write a Terrific Novel by comparing it to your favorite movies. Great advice and I’m sure it will help many during the 30 day 50k challenge. http://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/2014/10/29/write-a-terrific-novel-nano-minimize-revisions-improve-odds-of-finishing-and-publishing/#comment-195562 Now here is my selection for Thursday Tasters.:) Enjoy my small snippet…
