Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

90 Days


Can you believe it? It’s been almost 90 days to the day since I start tracking this writing ride I’ve decided to take. I’ve learned so much and learned that there is so much to learn. Does that make sense? I have no regrets for taking this leap of faith. When I’m up late at night until my eyes are bleary, dragging my laptop to my mom’s house or jotting frantic notes down while I rush down my lunch, I have no regrets. When I want to hammer my hero for being a butthead, kick my heroine for being soft, or scream because my characters won’t do what I want, I have no regrets.

Is it finished yet? Not quite. But I’m getting there and feeling better about it every step of the way. Can’t wait to share my stories with everyone and hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.
