Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Monthly Archives: October 2013

Nano’s coming! Are you ready? Are you participating? I’m on the fence and only have days to decide. Nano is a national writing contest where those that are interested can take up the challenge gauntlet. The purpose- a completed 50k word novel/novella. The reward-personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Nano starts with a kick…

Welcome back for another week of 8 sentences submitted by authors from their current work or works-in-progress. If you’re interested in checking others, visit www.wewriwa.com. This week I’m once again visiting my current work in progress with Shane and Olivia.  “Listen, lady. You wanna go somewhere, tell me now and I can drop you off…

Welcome back to another week of FFF. Writers are given a picture and the challenge of writing a snippet in 100 words, no more no less. I found this weeks photo fitting considering the season. I’m a shifter girl at heart but I decided to experiment with my first vampire attempt. Show the others some…

I have the pleasure of participating in Friday Fiction so I’ve replaced my Friday Favorites Blog with Wednesday Winners.  Same concept applies. I’ll mention my latest kindle discoveries that I think readers will like. Some are recommended to me but some are random selections that I pick because the covers or the blurbs are smoking hot.…

  Fall is here even though we had a few times where it still felt like summer. I took the kids to the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago and surprisingly my oldest still enjoyed it. Of course, he’s a foodie and there’s plenty of treats at the farms to make it worth his while.…

  It’s blog hop time. Visit www.wewriwa.com where authors get together and share 8 sentences from a current work or a published book. It’s awesome time to get sneak peeks and to offer words of encouragement. Without further ado, you will find my 8 based on a current WIP. Last week my heroine held a…

  Welcome back to Flash Fiction Friday. The goal is to look at a picture and come up with 100 words to describe the picture. I decided to reuse my mythical character Keira from last week. LOL. Very unoriginal of me but I wonder how long I can tie a flash fiction to her. “Hold…

Wewriwa allows writers to share snippets of their books or works in progress in 8 simple sentences. Or not so simple if you get creative with punctuation. Visit www.wewriwa.com to see what everyone comes up with. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. This week I’ve moved from my paranormal story with Callie and Dane and decided…

Happy Friday. I’ve joined a group of awesome writers in Flash Fiction Friday. The challenge is to look at a picture posted and write a scene with just 100 words. Needless to say I chewed on this for a bit but here it goes. Picture first and then my 100. She heard the gentle glide of…
