Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

Happy Friday


Weather in February is proving to be as crappy as January in the east coast for 2014. Ice storms, freezing temps and occasional snow seem to be the norm. Poor kids haven’t had a decent run in school since Christmas break. Of course, that’s all good for them but maybe not so much for parents. LOL.  On a good note, Honor Bound my new sci-fi release had a great opening week. Or is it debut? 🙂 I think opening week is for movies. HA!


At any rate, I’m excited  and can’t wait to work on what I have planned next. Thanks to everyone who read Honor Bound and gave Vaan and Mikayla a chance. My nano couple mean a lot to me 🙂 Part of my writing goals for 2014 was to be more active in marketing and social media to promote my work. I’m getting there. Slowly. Chantal Rhondeau has even been so gracious as to celebrate my new release on her site http://www.chantelrhondeau.com/  If you get the chance, take a hop over to her site. I especially love the writing and publishing tips she shares and her books are good too so it’s a win-win.
