Michelle Howard – - Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author
Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author

New Release-A King’s Revenge is now OUT!! .99


I can’t believe it’s that time again. Or maybe I can. November was another crazy month. Why do I throw myself into the spirit of NANO when I’m in the middle of another project? I bit off a lot but made it to the end. With that behind me I’m excited to announce the release of A King’s Revenge. This is book 2 in the Warlord Series and features the King of Desani. I hope it was worth the wait for all those who asked for my next release 🙂 In the spirit of the holidays, AKR will be on sale for a short time only at .99.


Now I’m off to work on my next project.

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2 thoughts on “New Release-A King’s Revenge is now OUT!! .99”

  1. ToniToni

    Yaaaaay! Christmas has come early!

    December 8, 2014

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